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Story | One On Two Stools Surely Falls

Once there was a man who was about fifty years old. His hair was turning gray, but he was a very romantic person. He enjoyed being around beautiful women. Now, this man had two loves in his life—one who was his age and the other who was much younger. He wanted to appear attractive to both of them. However, their attitudes were completely different. The older love didn't like it when he looked younger than her. So, whenever he visited her, she would pull out some of his dark hairs to make him appear older. On the other hand, the younger love didn't want him to look older. So, whenever he visited her, she would pluck out some of his gray hairs to make him appear younger. This went on for a while, and one day, the man had no hair left on his head. He became completely bald. As a result, both ladies rejected him. How sad it is! The lesson here is to rely on your own judgment and not let others dictate how you should be.

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