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Story | Only Others Can Tell Your Worth

Once upon a time, there was a god named Mercury who was really good at doing things. One day, he had a funny idea. He wanted to find out what people thought about him compared to other gods. So, Mercury decided to pretend to be a regular person and visit Earth.

While he was exploring, he came across a house where a sculptor lived. This sculptor was famous for making statues of gods. Inside the house, Mercury saw statues of different gods, including himself.

Mercury went up to the sculptor and asked, "How much would you charge for a statue of Jupiter, the most important god?"

The sculptor replied, "I would charge one pound."

Then Mercury asked, "And how much for a statue of Juno, the goddess of marriage?"

The sculptor said, "I would charge half a pound."

Finally, Mercury asked, "And what about a statue of me, Mercury?"

The sculptor quickly responded, "Oh, that one! I'll give it to you for free if you buy the other two statues."

Mercury felt really hurt by the sculptor's words, so he disappeared and went away.

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