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Story | People - Good And Bad

Once upon a time, there was a person who lived in a village. This person earned money by selling seeds in the market. To buy the seeds, they would carry ten bags with them to another village. Among the ten bags, one bag was different from the others. It had many holes and was torn in a few places. Despite its poor condition, the villager would always bring it along with the other bags to get the seeds from the other village.

One fine day, the torn bag started to think to itself, "I am just a torn bag with so many holes. I don't understand why my owner keeps taking me along to get the seeds. Why doesn't he throw me away?" The bag decided to ask the villager about this. "Oh, my owner, why don't you just throw me away? You know I am useless. I don't serve you well. I spill all the seeds you put in me along the way. By the time you reach home, I have no seeds left to offer you. Can you please tell me why you still keep me?" the bag asked.

The villager patiently listened to the torn bag and then smiled. He said, "My dear bag, who told you that you are bad? You don't realize how good you are! Come, let me tell you about the good things you have done for me and others." So, the villager picked up the torn bag and took it outside to show it something.

The villager pointed to some trees and said, "Do you see all these trees? They are all along the way from this village to the next, where I buy seeds. These trees have grown from the seeds you have been spilling along the way for many years." The villager paused for a moment and then continued, "These trees provide shade to tired people on hot sunny days. They also give oxygen to living creatures and fruits to birds, animals, and humans. Can't you see the great service you have been providing to the world?"

The torn bag felt happy to learn all this. It realized that everyone, no matter who they are, can contribute something good to the world. The bag understood that it should accept itself just the way it is. The moral of the story is to accept all people as they are because you never know what good they might be doing for you.

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