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Story | Pinocchio

Gepetto was a carpenter who wasn't very rich. He made puppets to earn money. One day, while he was working in his workshop, he started carving a puppet out of wood. All of a sudden, the wood made a high-pitched sound and said, "Ouch! That hurt!" Can you believe it? The puppet was actually alive! Gepetto decided to call him Pinocchio.

Pinocchio wanted to be like other boys and go to school. Gepetto didn't have much money, so he sold his coat to send Pinocchio to school. One day, while Pinocchio was on his way to school, he saw a puppet show happening nearby. He really wanted to watch it, but the ticket cost four pence. Pinocchio didn't have any money, so he sold his books to get the required amount. He then joined the puppets on the stage and decided to stay with them.

Later that day, a scary-looking man named Giovanni, who was in charge of the puppets, needed some wood for the fire. He chose Pinocchio as firewood. Pinocchio was scared and desperately begged Giovanni not to burn him, explaining how poor his father was. Giovanni felt pity for Pinocchio and gave him five gold coins to buy a coat for his father. Pinocchio was extremely grateful for the help, so he said goodbye to Giovanni and his puppet friends and started his journey back home.

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