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Composition | Punctuality

Being punctual means doing things at the right time. A punctual boy always prepares for his lessons on time and never falls behind the rest of the class. He doesn't arrive late for school or college. He's also not late for his games in the playground. If he continues to be punctual, he'll never be late for anything.

On the other hand, an unpunctual boy is always late. He arrives late to school or college, missing part of his lesson. This disrupts the class and prevents him from making much progress as a student. In the long run, he will regret this bad habit.

Punctuality saves time. When a train or bus arrives or departs on time, it saves a lot of time and prevents many inconveniences. If you know exactly when a ship will arrive at a station, you can be there on time. You don't have to miss the ship or wait indefinitely for it to arrive.

An unpunctual person doesn't consider themselves or others. It's considered impolite to not meet a friend at the agreed-upon time. It's even worse when people who are supposed to speak at a meeting arrive late, making many people wait and wasting their time. No excuse is good enough for this lack of common sense.

When employees arrive late to an office or workshop, it creates disorder and sometimes disrupts the work. It hampers progress and can even lead to disasters. Napoleon Bonaparte lost the Battle of Waterloo because one of his generals failed to come to his aid on time.

Punctuality is essential in all aspects of life. It should be cultivated from a young age and strictly followed in our daily affairs.

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