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Story | Robbers Turn Good Citizens

Once upon a time, there was a man named Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani (may God be pleased with him). He went on a journey with a group of people. Before he left, his mother gave him some advice: always tell the truth. During their journey, a group of thieves attacked the caravan and stole from everyone. One of the thieves approached Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani and asked if he had anything valuable. He honestly said that he had some coins sewn into his shirt. The thief took him to their leader. The leader was curious why Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani didn't deny having any money. The man explained that he was following his mother's advice to always tell the truth. This had a strong impact on the leader. He felt remorse for his actions, repented, and decided to give up robbery. He returned everything to the members of the caravan and advised them to live honestly.

The moral of the story is: always tell the truth. Additionally, sometimes good things can come out of bad situations.

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