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Story | Self Help Is The Best Help

Once, there was a small bird called a sparrow. This sparrow had two babies living with her in a nest that was built in a field of plants. One day, the owner of the field, a farmer, and his son came to the field while the sparrow was away. They saw that the plants were ready to be harvested, so the father told his son, "Go and ask our neighbors to come tomorrow and help us gather the plants.

When the mother sparrow returned to the nest, her babies told her about what the farmer and his son had said, and they asked her to find a new place to live. But the mother sparrow reassured them, saying, "Don't worry. The plants won't be gathered tomorrow."

The next day, the farmer and his son came to the field, but they didn't find any neighbors there to help them. So the father said to his son, "Go and ask our friends to come tomorrow and help us gather the plants."

When the mother sparrow returned home, her babies once again told her about what the farmer and his son had said, and they asked her to find a new place to live. The mother sparrow comforted them, saying, "Don't worry. The plants won't be gathered tomorrow."

On the following day, the farmer and his son came back to the field, but once again, there were no friends there to help them. At this point, the farmer said, "Son! Nobody is coming to help us. Tomorrow, we will gather the plants ourselves."

After the farmer had left, the mother sparrow returned home. Her babies informed her about what the farmer and his son had discussed. The sparrow said, "Let's find a safer place to live because I think the plants will be gathered tomorrow."

So, they moved to a different place. Later that evening, as the little sparrows were getting ready to sleep, they asked their mother, "Why did we move today when we didn't move earlier?" The mother sparrow replied, "Yesterday, the farmer was determined to gather the plants himself, but on previous occasions, he was asking for help from others. I guessed that today, he would definitely gather the plants. It's always better to rely on ourselves when we can."

Note: I simplified the language and grammar to make it easier to understand, but some complexity had to be retained to maintain the original meaning of the story.

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