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Story | The Ape And The Carpenter

Once upon a time, there was an ape who was watching a carpenter cut a piece of wood in half. The carpenter started by putting a small wedge into a crack in the wood to keep it open. When the crack was wide enough, he put in a larger wedge and removed the first one. 

At lunchtime, the carpenter went home to eat. The ape thought to himself, "If the carpenter can cut the wood, then I can too!" So the ape jumped onto the carpenter's workbench. However, when the ape tried to cut the wood, his long tail accidentally slipped into the crack in the wood.

The ape didn't realize what had happened and began working. He put the first wedge into the crack, just like he had seen the carpenter do. But before he could put in the second one, he pulled out the first wedge. The two sides of the wood quickly snapped together, trapping the ape's tail between them.

The poor ape cried out in pain. The carpenter returned and saw what had happened. He laughed at the ape and said, "Now you know what happens when you meddle in other people's work."

The moral of the story is that we shouldn't interfere in other people's work.

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