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Composition | The Cow

There are many types of animals that live with humans. But out of all of them, the cow is the most helpful to us. It is a kind and gentle animal that lives on farms.

The cow's body is covered with short fur. It has a long hoof that is split into two parts. Its tail is also long and has a tuft of hair at the end. The cow can easily shoo away flies by swishing its tail. Interestingly, it doesn't have any teeth in its upper jaw.

There are different kinds of cows all around the world. Some famous types are the Short Horn, Frisiana, and Horiana. The Lall and Frisiana cows are well-known for their milk production. On the other hand, the Short Horn is famous for its tasty meat.

Cows can be found everywhere in the world. There are even wild cows that live in the forests of Africa.

Cows come in various colors. Some are white, some are black, some are red, and some have mixed colors.

Cows eat many things like grass, straw, bran, leaves from trees, oil cake, and vegetables.

Cows have a gentle nature. They give birth to one calf at a time and care for it lovingly. They don't eat all their food at once. Instead, they chew their food slowly when they take a break.

Cows provide us with nutritious milk and beef. We also get many sweet treats made from milk. Cow dung is useful as fertilizer for plants. We can also make many necessary things from their skin, bones, and horns. Cow dung can even be used as fuel. Their skin is used to make shoes, bags, and suitcases. Combs and buttons are made from their horns and bones.

Cows are incredibly useful animals. They are a valuable asset for our farmers. That's why it's important for us to take care of them and treat them with kindness.

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