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Composition | The Cinema

Movies are like moving pictures that we watch on a big screen using a special machine called a projector. In the beginning, movies could only move, but they couldn't talk. However, now movies can move and talk, so we call them "The Talkies." A person named Thomas Edison invented the projector in 1890, which was like a camera.

To make a movie, we use powerful cameras to capture pictures of people moving and talking. These pictures are then developed, and when we project them onto a screen, it looks like the people in the pictures are moving and talking just like they did before.

Movies are a form of entertainment. People who have been busy working all day can relax and enjoy a movie in the cinema. Movies can also teach us things. We can learn about history, geography, sociology, literature, and even medical science through movies. Sometimes, famous books written by great authors are turned into movies, and people can learn a lot from them. The film industry also allows some people to make a lot of money. A good movie can bring fame and foreign currency to a country. It can also help improve society.

However, some movies are made just for making money, without considering their impact. These movies can be harmful, especially for teenagers, and can become a problem for society. Generally, young people who are not mentally mature should avoid watching these kinds of movies.

When making a movie, the producer should be aware of their responsibility to the country. They should create a film that can educate and bring positive change to the audience while also earning money. If not, movies can become a threat to the country instead of a friend.

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