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Story | The Different One

Once upon a time, there was a Lion and a Lioness who lived in a forest with their twin cubs. One day, like always, the Lion went out to find some food. Unfortunately, it was an unlucky day, and he couldn't catch anything to eat. On his way back home, he came across a jackal cub and decided to bring it back with him.

"Dear, I couldn't find any food today," said the Lion. "I think we can skip our meal, but the cubs need to eat. This jackal cub can be enough for them."

The Lioness replied, "No, dear, I can't be so cruel. I am a mother, and this is just a young baby. I will raise it as my own son."

So, the baby jackal became part of the lion's family and grew up into a young and healthy jackal. As time passed, the Lioness taught the jackal and her two lion sons how to hunt. They became skilled at catching small rabbits and deer.

One day, while they were out hunting, the three of them encountered a mad elephant. The lion cubs, being fearless, approached the wild beast to try and kill it. However, the jackal warned them, "No, brothers, don't go near him. Elephants are our enemies, and you will be killed."

Hearing this, the brave lion cubs lost their courage and retreated. When they got back home, they told their mother, the Lioness, about what happened. She took the jackal aside and advised him, "You may be brave in your own way, and I raised you as my own son, but you are still a jackal. If you continue to provoke my sons, their lion nature will eventually react, and you will regret it. Right now, you are young and don't understand the difference between lions and jackals. I suggest you go back to your own kind before it's too late."

The jackal understood the Lioness' reasoning and quietly left to join his fellow jackals.

Moral: A jackal will always remain a jackal.

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