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Story | The Dog And The Wolf

Once upon a time, there was a hungry wolf searching for food. He came across a village and happened to meet a chubby dog. They became friends. The dog noticed how miserable the wolf looked and suggested that he should come and help guard his master's house. The dog promised that the master would feed the wolf so well that he would quickly become healthy and strong. The wolf had already experienced the pain of hunger, so he happily agreed and went with the dog to the master's house.

On the way, the wolf noticed a mark around the dog's neck and asked about it. The dog tried to avoid the question, but the wolf insisted. Eventually, the dog revealed the truth. The mark was from a collar that the master put on him during the day to keep him from wandering around. When the wolf heard this, he was horrified at the thought of losing his freedom in exchange for food. He thanked the dog for his kindness but decided that he would rather be hungry than give up his freedom. The wolf said goodbye to the dog and quickly disappeared into the jungle.

The moral of the story is that being a slave is a terrible thing. It's better to be in a bad situation where you have freedom than to serve someone and lose your independence. Freedom is a precious gift, and it's preferable to go hungry than to be enslaved.

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