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Story | The Man And The Elephant

There was a man who sat on top of an elephant. He wanted to go to the river to take a bath. While they were on their way, the man started to feel hungry. Luckily, he had a coconut in his bag. The man thought, "I will eat the coconut." So, he opened his bag and took out the coconut. However, he didn't know how to break it open because it was very hard.

The man looked around for a solution and had an idea. He said, "I know what to do! The elephant's head is also hard. I will break open the coconut on the elephant's head." The man lifted the coconut and hit it hard on the elephant's head. The coconut cracked open, and the man happily ate it. But the elephant wasn't happy at all. It was very angry because it didn't like being hit with a coconut. It had hurt the elephant's head.

The angry elephant decided to teach the selfish man a lesson. Eventually, they reached the river. The man got off the elephant and took a bath in the river. Afterward, he put on clean white clothes. The elephant also bathed in the river and filled its trunk with muddy water. The elephant went to the man and suddenly sprayed all the muddy water on him with a loud "Whoosh!" The man's nice and new clothes got ruined.

The man was upset and didn't know what to do. He said, "Oh, what can I do now? All my clothes are ruined. I am sorry for hurting the elephant. I promise I will never hurt it again." Feeling remorseful, the man went up to the elephant, placed his hand on its trunk, and sincerely apologized, saying, "I'm sorry, my friend. I will never hurt you again."

Upon hearing the apology, the elephant calmed down. The man climbed back onto the elephant's back, and they returned home together. The elephant was no longer angry. They became friends once again, understanding and forgiving each other.

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