Composition | The May Day
May Day is a special day that is celebrated all over the world. It happens on the first day of May each year and is considered a holiday. This day is significant because it honors the workers in the city of Chicago who sacrificed themselves in 1886.
In the past, business owners would hire workers and their families to work in their factories. These workers were forced to work long hours and were paid very little. Their lives were extremely difficult and they struggled to afford basic necessities. On top of that, the workers were treated unfairly and oppressed in many ways. So, the workers decided to stand up against this exploitation. The city of Chicago took the lead in this movement, demanding better working conditions and shorter hours. However, the government and its representatives, who were in favor of the capitalists, wanted to crush this movement. On May 1st, 1886, they attacked the workers' procession and killed some of them. Many workers were injured, and some of the leaders were executed. This act was cruel and inhumane. The workers and people around the world took this tragic event very seriously. As a result, May Day became a day to commemorate the sacrifice of these workers and to draw inspiration from them.
The workers' sacrifice in Chicago marked a turning point in history. Before this incident, workers had to work for twelve or thirteen hours a day. However, after the protest, their demand for an eight-hour workday was recognized. They were also given some basic benefits for their lives.
May Day is a day when people protest against injustice, oppression, and cruelty. It encourages workers of all backgrounds to unite in their fight against any kind of wrongdoing.
Workers remember the workers of Chicago in 1886 with deep gratitude for their sacrifice. They demand a society free from exploitation and economic fairness. On this day, they organize processions and meetings to express their solidarity. It is important to acknowledge and value the sincere sacrifice made by these workers.