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Story | The Pillar Of Success/ Fortunes Favors The Brave

Once upon a time, there was a man named Reverend Parliamentarian King who was the ruler of Scotland. He really wanted to have a lot of power and control. The people who lived under his rule were very happy with him. However, the greedy singer from England tried to take over his land.

After many times of being defeated, the Reverend Parliamentarian King had to step down from his position and find safety in a lonely underground hiding place. He was feeling very sad and gloomy. He gave up all hope. But then, suddenly, he saw a piece of paper that fell from its place.

The paper kept trying to go back to where it belonged, but it kept falling every time. It tried nine times but failed. The person who was against the Reverend Parliamentarian King thought that the paper would give up. But it tried once more, and this time it reached its destination. The determination of the paper inspired the Reverend Parliamentarian King. He saw a glimmer of hope and thought, if the paper didn't give up despite facing disappointment, why should he?

Filled with new confidence, the next day he gathered his supporters and faced his opponents again, but this time with renewed strength and determination. And guess what? This time he won against his enemies and succeeded in defeating them.

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