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Story | The Slave And The Lion

Once there was a person who was forced to work for someone else without any freedom. The person who owned him treated him very badly and with a lot of unkindness. The slave couldn't bear the mistreatment anymore, so he decided to run away and hide in the nearby forest.

One day, while he was in the forest, he unexpectedly came across a lion. The lion was in a lot of pain and was making sad noises. It held out its paw towards the slave, asking for help. Despite feeling scared, the slave didn't lose his bravery and carefully examined the lion's paw. He noticed a large thorn stuck in it. Without hesitation, he pulled out the thorn, and the lion felt immediate relief from its pain. To show its gratitude, the lion began to lick the slave's hands and then disappeared into the thick, green trees.

After some time, the slave was captured and brought before a hungry lion as punishment. Surprisingly, when the lion saw him, it didn't attack. Instead, it started licking the slave's feet. It was the same lion that the slave had helped in the forest. The slave explained the whole story to the judge, who was greatly impressed by his bravery and kindness. As a result, the judge ordered the slave to be set free right away. The lion was also set free and allowed to return to the jungle.

The moral of the story is that acts of kindness are always rewarded in some way.

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