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Story | The Parrot

There was an old man who felt very sad and alone because his wife had passed away. He really missed her, especially their conversations and laughter during mealtime.

One day, the old man thought it would be a good idea to get a parrot as a pet. He thought a parrot would be perfect because it could actually talk to him.

The next morning, the old man went to a store that sold pets. The owner of the store showed him several parrots. One parrot called out for a ride, another asked for a drink, and one just made random noises! Only one parrot sat quietly without making a sound.

The old man wondered why the quiet parrot didn't talk. So he asked the parrot, and it replied, "I think more!" The old man thought to himself, "Wow! What a smart bird!" and decided to buy the silent parrot.

From that day on, the old man tried every day to teach his new pet to talk, sing, or make new sounds. Sadly, the parrot refused to learn anything new. It would only repeat the phrase, "I think more!"

Feeling disappointed, the old man became angry and said to the parrot, "Oh parrot, you are a fool! And I am an even bigger fool because I believed you were wise just because you pretended to think more!"

The moral of the story is: Don't be fooled by those who pretend to be wise.

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