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Story | Two Friends And The Bear

Once upon a time, there were two friends who lived in a small village. They often boasted about having a true and genuine friendship. One day, they decided to visit another village and started their journey. As they were traveling, they had to pass through a forest.

While walking through the forest, they noticed a bear approaching them from a distance. One of the friends quickly climbed up a tree, without caring about the other friend. The friend who couldn't climb the tree lay on the grass, completely out of breath, appearing as if he were dead.

After a while, the bear reached the motionless friend and sniffed him. Thinking that he was lifeless, the bear assumed him to be dead and took away his food. Once the bear went away, the selfish friend climbed down from the tree and approached his friend.

Curiously, he asked his friend what the bear had whispered in his ear. The other friend, who was wise, responded by saying that the bear had conveyed the message that a true friend is the one who stands by you in times of trouble. From that day onward, the friend who had been abandoned during the difficult situation never spoke to his selfish companion again.

Moral : A friend in need is a friend indeed

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