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Composition | Upazila Administration

Every government wants to make sure that development activities happen in the best possible way. The Upazilla administration is one of the steps taken by the current government of Bangladesh to achieve this goal.

The Upazilla administration program aims to improve the lives of ordinary people in our country and make the administration more accessible to everyone. In this program, local representatives will have the opportunity to participate in their community's administration and development affairs. To achieve this, all areas in Bangladesh have been upgraded and called Upazillas.

The chairman of the Upazilla is chosen through direct voting by the people and serves for five years. They are the head of the Upazilla Parishad, and the Upazilla Nirbahi Officer (UNO) serves as its secretary. The heads of different offices in the Upazilla and the chairmen of the union councils are also members of the parishad.

Since Bangladesh has around 68,000 villages, the development of the country depends greatly on the progress made in these villages. In the current administrative system, the Upazilla plays a central role within its jurisdiction. This allows the local administration to identify and address their own needs and problems. Each Upazilla also has its own economic plan.

However, there are some drawbacks to the Upazilla system. Various officials often face difficulties in carrying out their work freely, as they may be influenced by powerful local individuals. Additionally, sometimes the people's voices may not be heard and their concerns may not be adequately addressed.

Nevertheless, the Upazilla administration holds promise for building a developed and happy Bangladesh. Therefore, it is important for us to support the government in achieving our shared goal of developing the villages.

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