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Essay | Rabindranath Tagore/ My Best Author

Introduction: Birth and parentage: The author I like best is Rabindranath Tagore. He was born on the 6th of May, 1861, in the famous Tagore family of Jorasanko in Calcutta. His father. Debendranath Tagore, was held in high esteem for his saintly life.

Early years and education: Rabindranath's early years were spent in case and comfort. He was sent to school at the usual age, but he felt uneasy within the four walls of the school and often played truant. His brother, Jyotirindranat, recognized his genius and made arrangement at home for his proper education. So, though he had no regular schooling, he had a liberal education of a high order. A few years later, he was sent to England. He spent a few months with Prof. Henry Morley at the University of London studying English literature and then abruptly returned home.

Literary activities: It is impossible even to give a brief summary of Rabindranth's literary works and activities. Even when he was a mere boy, he composed, as many as six books of poems and lyrical dramas. He showed distinct signs of the originality of his genius in his Sandhya Sangit. Thereafter his lyrical genius found effusion in such excellent workS as prabhat Sangit, Chhabi-O-Gan, Kari-O-Komal, Manashi, Sonar Tari, Chitra etc. His lyric sounded a new note and raised the tone of Bengali poetry. His other well-know poetical works are Chaitali, Kanika, Katha-O-Kahini, Kalpana. Na ibeyda, Sahamaran, Shish, Utsarga, Kheya, Gitanjali etc. He selected a good number of songs and poems from Gitanjali and some other works and translated them into English. In 191.3 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for the translated version of this collections entitled Gitanjali or, Song OfFerings. Notable among Tagore'S laier bhooks of poems are Balaka, Shishu Bholanath, Purabi, Parishesh, Shesh Saptak, Shyamali, Prantik, Nabajatak, Janmadindy. Arogya, Shesh Lehka etc.

Versatility of his genius: Rabindranth was a versatile genius. I-le wroth poems, novel short stories, dramas essays and xcelled equally in all. His novel have brought about a change in Bengali literature. Choker Bali is his first psychological novels arc Naukadubi, Ghare Baire, Shesher Kabita, Jogajog, Chaturanga etc. He also wrote a number of drams which include Chira Kumar Sabha, Rakita Karabi, Raja-O-Rani, Ilisarjan and others, His short stories are many. They are all noted for their exquisite beauty. His various essays and letters are all famous for their literary qualities.

His patriotism and cosmopolitanism: Rabindranath was a great patriot. But he hated narrow nationalism and developed a cosmopolite spirit. He travelled widely and visited all the important centres of the world. To give concrete shape to his dreams and k;deals and to train up the younger generation in the cosmopolitan spirit, he founded the University of Biswabharati Bolepore.

Death: Full of glory and honours, Rabindranath passed away on the 7th of August, 1941 at his Calcutta residence. So people celebrate this day with due solemnity and befitting.
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