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Composition | Purpose of Education

 What is the point of education? We don't often think about this. Simply put, education's purpose is to help individuals grow physically, mentally, and socially. Education means gaining knowledge, learning proper behavior, and acquiring technical skills. It involves shaping young minds, teaching values and principles to children. It also includes developing skills and achieving personal growth. Education has different stages, starting from primary, secondary, and higher education, and ideally, it never ends. The process of education begins even before birth and continues throughout life. We rarely think about the purpose of education while we are receiving it. It's only as we grow up that we start realizing its purpose and how it applies to our daily lives. We begin to understand its significance when we see its practical applications in our personal and professional lives. Education continues throughout our lives because knowledge is vast, and no one can claim to know everything.

Beliefs about the purpose of education: Education is believed to be essential for creating a civilized society. Providing education to citizens helps develop a responsible and thoughtful society. Education instills moral and ethical values in individuals, which leads to the creation of a healthy society with a deep understanding of principles and the philosophy of life.

Another purpose of education is to contribute to practical fields and enable educated individuals to earn a living. Education aims to make people self-sufficient. Education in various practical fields produces skilled individuals who can contribute to a country's wealth creation. While people earn a living, they also create value for their organization, which benefits the nation's economy. Educated individuals can help their country prosper while supporting themselves.

Education also plays a role in social development, as it helps individuals thrive in society, interact with others, and achieve social well-being. Throughout the education process, individuals are part of groups, such as schools or colleges, which contributes to their interpersonal skills. The main purpose of education is to teach people how to read and write. Reading is crucial as it exposes individuals to different experiences and prepares them for a meaningful life.

According to Bill Beattie, an author and writer, education should teach us how to think rather than what to think. Eric Hoffer, an American social writer, believes that the main purpose of education is to instill the desire and ability to learn. He believes education should produce individuals who are eager to learn, rather than just knowledgeable ones. Bishop Creighton shares a similar view, stating that education should encourage individuals to ask questions and nurture their curiosity.

Education lays the foundation for individuals to pursue their dreams and aspirations. It helps people achieve their career goals and experience economic growth. Education transforms individuals into resourceful beings. It contributes to personal growth, fulfillment, and satisfaction. An educated person who has benefited from education is likely to value it and pass it on to future generations by educating their own children. This creates a cycle of education that extends across generations. One belief about the purpose of education is that it aims to create good teachers.

The true purpose of education is to bring depth to one's emotions, broaden perspectives, and foster a healthier approach to life.

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