Composition | The Role of Opposition Party in Democracy
Democracy is a big idea and the most popular type of government nowadays. It's supposed to be the best for the people. Different writers have different definitions for it. Lincoln said it's a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Another person called See said it's a government where everyone has a part. Dicey said it's a government where a large part of the country is in charge. Basically, democracy is a way of organizing society and the government where power belongs to the people. All citizens are equal before the law and have political rights and freedom, including the right to be involved in running the country.
In modern democracies, the people's will is expressed through elected representatives. Elections are important for democracy and there should be more than one political party. The party that gets the most seats in the election forms the government and runs the country. The other parties are supposed to be the opposition.
The opposition has an important role in democracy. Even though they're in the minority, they act as watchdogs and keep an eye on the government. They have two main jobs. First, they bring up issues that are important to the public and ask the government to take action. Second, they make sure the government doesn't become too dictatorial or authoritarian. If there's no opposition, it could be like a dictatorship. Having opposition makes the government work better because it stops them from misusing their power.
Like the ruling party, the opposition parties also have their own ideas, plans, and policies that they try to convince the people of. They use motions, resolutions, and bills in the legislature to try to make their plans happen. They oppose any actions by the ruling party that they think are unfair or against the people's interests. They also expose any wrongdoing by the government, like corruption or favoritism. Their goal is to keep the government on the right track and not let dishonest politicians do whatever they want.
When there are important national or international issues, the opposition parties bring them up for public discussion. They try to get public support by organizing meetings, rallies, and demonstrations. They want to make the government listen to their point of view. Ultimately, they want to take power away from the ruling party. So we can say that the main job of the opposition is to suggest, disagree, reveal, and remove.
However, the opposition also has a positive role to play. It educates the people about important national and international matters. During times of crisis or emergencies, the opposition is expected to support the government in finding solutions and facing the situation.
To be successful in their functions, the opposition needs to be strong and healthy. The strength of the opposition lies in its members' dedication to their plans and policies, as well as the public support they can gather when needed. A strong and watchful opposition is a powerful check on the government's power and unfair actions. No matter how strong the government is, it can't ignore a strong opposition. A strong opposition keeps the government on its toes and doesn't let them become too comfortable. The government respects, consults, and listens to a strong opposition. Even though they have fewer numbers, a united, vigilant, and effective opposition prevents corruption and actions against the people.
The opposition should also be healthy. This means having a constructive attitude. A healthy opposition appreciates the good things the government does and cooperates with efforts that benefit everyone. Being against the government just for the sake of it isn't a sign of a healthy opposition. Having a constructive approach means not having a negative attitude when dealing with the government. If the opposition is negative, it loses its credibility, which is the foundation of its strength. Personal attacks, insults, violence, and disorderly behavior are not acceptable in a decent and legitimate parliamentary practice.
A healthy opposition needs to act with grace and dignity to be effective. Without a strong and healthy opposition, democracy can turn into a dictatorship by the ruling party.