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Composition | Science and Social Prosperity

Science is like a great gift to people. It has made a big difference in our lives. Before science came along, life was tough and full of suffering and ignorance. But science changed all that. It helped us overcome our difficulties and made life better.

Science has had a big impact on daily life. It has helped us explore the sky and the oceans. We can now travel easily with cars, trains, ships, and airplanes. We don't have to wait long to see our loved ones who are far away. We can travel quickly and talk to anyone anywhere in the world, anytime. We can even have breakfast in one city and lunch in another.

Science has also increased our knowledge and helped us fight natural disasters. It has made things more affordable, so even regular people can enjoy modern luxuries. Entertainment like books, music, and movies is easily accessible. It has made life easier for housewives with modern kitchen gadgets and appliances. They have more free time to spend with their families and pursue other interests.

Science has changed the way society looks and functions. The textile industry has made clothes abundant and diverse. We can export clothes to other countries because we produce so much. Electricity has revolutionized our lives and industries. We can even play sports at night under bright lights.

Satellites, the amazing inventions of science, have allowed us to explore space and learn about other planets. We can predict the weather with the help of satellite images.

Our society has transformed from agrarian to industrialized. Big towns with advanced infrastructure have emerged. The world has become smaller with fast communication and transportation. Science has made our lives better and our society more prosperous.
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