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Composition | Importance of Electricity

We can't live without electricity anymore. It's essential for lighting up our homes, streets, schools, and offices. It keeps our factories and mills running. In winter, it warms our rooms, and in summer, it powers our fans, coolers, and air-conditioners. It's like a helpful assistant to us, cooling our food, ironing our clothes, and even doing odd jobs for us like dusting our carpets. It can also send our messages across the world in an instant through the telegraph. The telephone and radio, which are important parts of our lives, also rely on electricity. There's hardly any area of human activity where electricity isn't involved. We've become so dependent on it that it's impossible to imagine life without electricity.

But what if there's a power outage? The lights will go out, and our houses will be in darkness. We might use candles or lanterns, but they're not a good substitute for electric light. We won't be able to do any work. We'll desperately wish for the light to come back!

If the electricity fails, our fans will stop working, and the refrigerators will shut down. The rooms will become unbearably hot, and we'll start sweating. Summer will be like hell. In winter, our heaters and geysers won't work, and we'll shiver with cold.

If the electricity fails, our factories and mills will come to a stop. Workers will lose their jobs, unemployment will increase, and production will halt. This will lead to higher prices for goods, causing a significant loss to the country.

If the electricity fails, there will be a severe water shortage in the city. All water supply sources will stop working. The waterworks won't have any water. People will have to go to wells to get their water supply, resulting in long queues and conflicts. In the countryside, where there is electricity, tube wells rely on it to function. If electricity fails, it will be impossible to get enough water to irrigate the land. This will have a negative impact on crop production, making the food problem even worse.

If the electricity fails, work in offices will stop. X-rays and electric treatments in hospitals will be impossible, causing great difficulty for patients. Cinemas will close, and radios and televisions will be silent, disrupting life everywhere.

Efforts are being made to prevent electricity from failing. Large dams and river valley projects are being built, and power plants are being constructed. Huge amounts of money are being spent to import the most advanced machinery for generating electricity. It is hoped that all necessary measures will be taken to ensure that electricity doesn't fail.
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