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Popular Moral Stories:The Country Mouse and The Town Mouse

Once upon a time, there were two friends – a mouse from the countryside and a mouse from the town. The country mouse lived in a field of corn, while the town mouse had a cozy hole near a railway track. The town mouse invited his country friend over for dinner, and they both sat down in the fields to enjoy corn, nuts, and fruits. After the meal, the town mouse spoke up, saying, "Your food is not very fancy. Come to the town with me and see what I eat. My food is delicious and satisfying." So, together they headed to the town.

In the town, the town mouse's home was a hole in the concrete near a train station. They sat in the kitchen, and the town mouse offered cakes, biscuits, and bread. Just as they were about to eat, they heard the sound of an approaching train. They quickly scurried back to their hole for safety. After a while, they came back out, but soon another train approached, making them rush back to their hiding spot. This happened several times, forcing them to interrupt their meal for fear of danger.

The country mouse remarked, "You have a really tough and anxious life here! Back in the fields, I live peacefully."

Moral of the story: Being wealthy doesn't always guarantee happiness.
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