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Discipline Composition

People are social creatures. They need to follow certain rules and laws of their community, which is called discipline. Discipline is important for a happy and organized life. It leads to success and brings wealth. It's like a decoration for human life and a key to doing well. Discipline is a fundamental law of nature. Even the sun, moon, planets, and tiny bugs follow the rules of nature. For example, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Planets move around the sun in an organized way. Seasons change in a regular pattern. Without discipline in nature, the world would be in chaos. 

Discipline is also present in the human body. Different body parts work together. Discipline is crucial during student life. If a student doesn't live in a disciplined manner, they will likely fail in life. A nation can't expect much from an undisciplined student. The time when you're a student is the right time to learn discipline. It's when you plant the seeds for your future. So, discipline is necessary during student life. Discipline is important in every aspect of life. To have peace and order, discipline is needed. Without it, there's chaos and confusion. Without discipline, a home becomes chaotic. Schools, colleges, and universities can't function without discipline. A nation that follows discipline succeeds. In contrast, a nation without discipline faces destruction. Overall, discipline is essential in all parts of our life. Without it, life becomes full of problems. So, being disciplined is a must.
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