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Composition Birds of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a nice country. It has many different kinds of birds. These birds make our country more beautiful. At night, we sleep and in the morning, we wake up to hear the sweet songs of these birds.

There are various types of birds in our country. They come in different colors, sizes, and habits. We can group them into many classes.

One of the birds is the crow. It is a common bird in Bangladesh. The crow is very clever but not very attractive. Despite that, it has its usefulness. It eats dead animals and dirty things. The kite also has the same eating habits.

Some birds, like the cuckoo, the doel, the koel, the mayna, and the nightingale, are known for their singing. Among them, the cuckoo is the most popular and it comes to our country in the beginning of spring. The doel is our national bird.

Then, there are birds like the doves, the pigeons, the snipe, the heron, and the Pankauri, which are famous for being hunted as game birds. People like to eat their meat.

We also have birds like the vulture and the hawk, which are known as birds of prey. They eat flesh and fish. These birds have sharp eyes and strong nails.

Some birds are really good at building nests. We call them tailor birds. The swallow, the tuntuni, and the babui are examples of tailor birds.

During the autumn and winter seasons, many birds come to our country from other places. They add to the natural beauty of our land.

We also have domestic birds like pigeons, hens, and ducks. They give us meat and eggs, which help our families.

Birds are like a treasure for our country. They are helpful to us in many ways. So, we should not harm or kill them. Instead, we should take care of them properly.
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