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Composition Cyclones of Bangladesh

Every year, cyclones happen in Bangladesh. They are natural disasters and cause a lot of damage to our lives and belongings.

A cyclone is a storm that comes from the Bay of Bengal. It brings lightning, thunder, and heavy rain.

First, we see dark clouds in the north-west sky, which is a sign of the cyclone. Then the wind starts blowing with a moaning sound. The wind becomes very strong, like the sound of a cannon. The wind is never steady, but always rough and violent. The whole sky looks dark, showing that a crisis is coming. The strong wind continues for many hours, sometimes even a whole day.

In 1970, one of the worst cyclones of the 20th century hit Bangladesh, causing the loss of thousands of lives. Cyclones in 1985 and 1991 were also very destructive. Another cyclone, called Sidr, hit our country on November 15, 2007, and caused a huge loss of life, property, and money. About 3000 people died in that cyclone.

Cyclones cause terrible damage. They uproot trees, destroy houses, and overturn hundreds of fishermen's boats. Bridges and wireless towers also get damaged. The strong tidal waves take away many cattle and houses. People are left without food and shelter for days. Diseases like cholera, typhoid, and dysentery spread in the affected areas. There is a shortage of food, clothes, and drinking water everywhere.

We can't stop natural disasters, but we can prepare for them and manage things better after they happen. This way, we can reduce the losses they cause.
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