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Composition Environment Pollution

In today's time, pollution is a big problem for the environment. This pollution is causing harm and destruction. The environment is crucial for our survival. We rely on nature for everything we need to live. But we are very concerned because our environment is getting more and more polluted every day.

It seems like there is a conflict between nature and humans. In the past, our environment was clean and free from pollution. But over time, pollution has increased. People started using various chemicals that harm the environment. Pollution affects water, land, air, and everything around us. Researchers say that chemicals can cause cancer and deformities.

Air is an important part of our environment. It gets polluted by smoke. When people make fires to cook food or for construction work, it creates smoke that pollutes the air. Trains, power plants, factories, and vehicles like buses, trucks, and cars also produce smoke that pollutes the air.

Water is another essential part of the environment, and it gets polluted too. People pollute water by throwing waste into it. Farmers use chemical fertilizers and pesticides in their fields, and when it rains, these chemicals wash into rivers, canals, and ponds, polluting the water. Mills, factories, and water vehicles also add to water pollution.

Noise pollution is a problem that disturbs our peaceful life. There are loud and disturbing sounds made by people and machines, which can harm our health. It can lead to conditions like hypertension and heart diseases. It also affects the mental health of babies.

The greenhouse effect is a serious threat to the environment. It causes the world's climate to become warmer. This leads to the melting of snow in the poles and a rise in sea levels. It poses a significant danger to our existence.

To ensure our survival, we must stop all kinds of pollution. So, we need to find ways to stop environmental pollution. People should be aware of the harmful effects of pollution. The government and conscious individuals must take action to prevent environmental pollution. The media can also play a vital role in raising awareness among people.
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