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My Childhood Memories Composition

My Childhood Memories

People like to look back to the past again and again. The present might be good, but the past is special. The memories of my childhood always come back to me strongly. When I feel tired of the present, I find comfort in recalling my childhood days.

A person can't remember everything from their childhood, but some events stay in the subconscious mind and occasionally come to mind. Simple and exciting things were fascinating to me as a child. As I grew up, I might laugh at those things now. I loved playing on the banks of the Teesta River throughout the year. Whenever I was away from home, you could find me there.

During summers, I enjoyed stealing mangoes, lychees, blackberries, and other fruits with my friends. Sometimes, we even forgot to eat our midday meals.

The village maktab, where an old Maulovi Shaheb taught us, was another interesting place. It was a small hut attached to the village mosque, and many boys and girls attended. We used to learn with a lot of noise.

My first day at school was a memorable experience. When I entered the schoolyard with my father, the other children were playing around. I felt nervous and worried about fitting in. However, the Headmaster's smiling face and kind words made me feel better. I was placed in Class I, and my classmates welcomed me warmly, which made me less anxious.

Another exciting memory is of the village market, which sat near the Testa River twice a week. I often went there with other children.

There was a bush near our house, where hundreds of birds built their nests. Sometimes, I went there with other boys. A few daring boys caught small birds from the tree holes. During holidays, when my mother took a nap, we went to the railway line to collect pebbles. We watched trains passing by, full of unknown facts.

Childhood is a worry-free time with endless capacity for enjoyment.
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