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My Daily Life Composition

My Everyday Life/A Typical Day of Mine

Everyday life is a regular life. So I try hard to follow my daily routine. I wake up early in the morning. I brush my teeth, wash my hands, face, and perform my morning ablution before praying. Then I take a walk outside for about thirty minutes and return home. Once again, I wash my hands, feet, and face. After that, I have breakfast and sit at my study table. I read for three hours continuously. Nobody can enter my room during this time. I focus on my studies.

After finishing my regular lessons, I take a bath and have my meal. Then I leave for school at 10 am because our school starts at 10:30 am. I always sit in the front row and listen to what my teachers say. I write down important notes. During break time, I don't wander around. Instead, I go to the common room and participate in indoor games to refresh myself. At lunchtime, I eat and pray.

School ends at 4 pm. I go straight home without spending time with bad company. Back home, I wash my face, teeth, hands, and feet thoroughly, and then have my meal. I pray Asr. After a short rest, I go to the playground. I play football or other outdoor games with my classmates. Before the sun sets, I return home.

At home, I perform ablution and pray Maghrib. Then I sit at my study table and prepare my lessons until 10 pm. After that, I pray Isha, have supper, and usually go to bed at 11 pm. Besides this, I read the daily newspapers and weekly publications. I watch television and maintain a diary.

This is my daily routine, but there are minor changes. On Fridays, I go to different places to break the monotony. During long vacations and holidays, I visit my relatives' houses. I also participate in social work.

A routine is essential for everyone to achieve their life goals. Without following a routine, one cannot expect progress in life. So, everyone should have a daily routine and follow it strictly.
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