The Greatness of Hatem Tai Story
The Amazing Qualities of Hatem Tai
A very long time ago, there was a very kind and generous man who lived in a place called Yemen. Yemen is a region in a land called Arabia. This man's name was Hatem Tai. Even though he wasn't rich, he was incredibly friendly and welcoming. People truly liked him and admired him more than their own king. This made the king jealous and upset. One day, the king hosted a big meal. The people at the feast praised the king for his goodness. This made the king feel happy and proud. However, they also praised Hatem Tai. This made the king very mad. He didn't say anything at the time, but the next day he sent one of his men to find Hatem Tai. The king told this man to kill Hatem Tai and bring back his head.
As the man set off on his journey, he met a young man along the way. This young man was very kind to the traveler and invited him to stay the night at his house. The next morning, the traveler was ready to leave, but the young man asked him to stay for one more day. The traveler said he couldn't stay longer because he had an important task assigned by the king. The young man then kindly asked to know what the task was and if he could help. After some hesitation, the traveler confessed, "It's a secret. The king told me not to tell anyone. But since you've been so kind, I'll tell you. I've been ordered to kill Hatem Tai and bring his head to the king."
The young man laughed and said, "You've made a mistake. You should have told me last night. I am Hatem Tai. You can follow the king's order now without any delay." The traveler was shocked and said, "You're Hatem Tai! I can't possibly kill you, my friend. You're such a noble person! I need to go back immediately and tell the king everything." He said goodbye to Hatem Tai and hurried back to the king's palace to explain everything. The king listened to the traveler's report and was pleased. He praised the traveler for not carrying out the order.
Upon hearing the story, the king decided to invite Hatem Tai to his palace. Hatem Tai happily accepted the king's invitation and went to meet him. At the palace, the king threw a big feast in Hatem Tai's honor. The king spoke highly of Hatem Tai to his guests and showed him great respect and admiration.