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Composition | The Uses of Computer in Everyday Life


Computer in our daily lives is truly a wonderful gift from science. It is constantly updated to improve our lives. In fact, it's like a great electronic brain that we rely on every day. This device was originally created by a man named Charles Babbage.

Computers have become friends and helpers to science, technology, and industry. They are used in most offices, stores, factories, and industries. When you connect to the internet on your computer, you have access to a store of information. Computers are a blessing to everyone and have made the world a small place where we can all connect.

Computers have influenced every aspect of our lives. They help us solve difficult problems that involve a lot of calculations. Computers have a large amount of memory and can store vast amounts of data.

Computers have also reduced the need for paperwork. They help control traffic in big cities. Automation in banks and train stations has decreased the number of people needed. Ticketing and reservations have become easier and more convenient. Computers are even used to study diseases in great detail. Managing business transactions is a breeze with the help of computers.

Computers are the foundation of information technology. You can apply for a job or admission to a university by filling out an online application. Computers help us save time and energy. The results of surveys can also be accessed online.

However, computers also have their disadvantages. Many students waste their time playing computer games instead of focusing on their studies. There has been an increase in cybercrime, with people using chat rooms for inappropriate discussions and certain websites featuring adult content.

But the benefits and importance of computers outweigh the drawbacks. The computerization of our world has made it a global village where we can all connect with one another.

Composition | The Uses of Computer in Everyday Life
Questions and Answers about Computers:

1. Q: What are computers like?
    A: Computers are like helpful friends that use electricity and are really good at calculations.
2. Q: Who invented computers?
    A: A clever man named Charles Babbage first thought of making computers.
3. Q: Where can we find computers?
    A: We see computers in offices, schools, shops, and even factories!
4. Q: What can we do with the internet on a computer?
    A: The internet is like a giant library; you can find almost any information you want online!
5. Q: How do computers help us with difficult problems?
    A: Computers are very good at math, so they can help us solve problems that involve lots of numbers.
6. Q: How much information can computers remember?
    A: Computers have a huge memory, much bigger than our brains! They can store tons of information.
7. Q: How have computers changed paperwork?
    A: Many things used to be done on paper, but now computers help us do them electronically, saving paper and time.
8. Q: How do computers help traffic flow?
    A: Computers are used to control traffic lights and keep things moving smoothly in big cities.
9. Q: How can computers help us learn?
    A: You can find information and educational resources online, or even take classes on a computer!
10. Q: What are some important things to remember about using computers?
    A: While computers are great, it's important to use them responsibly and not spend too much time on games or inappropriate websites.
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