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28 Email Writing for Class 6, 7, 8

প্রত্যেক ই-মেইলে এগুলি দিতে ভুলো না

1. **Subject: The Harmful Effects of Cutting Down Trees**

Hi Riva,

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to talk about something important – deforestation. It's when people cut down a lot of trees without thinking about the consequences. Trees are really important for our environment. But cutting them down recklessly is causing big problems. It's like setting ourselves up for disaster. Let's chat more about this soon.

Take care,

2. **Subject: Thanks for the Birthday Gift!**

Hi Riva,

I hope you're good. I got the birthday gift you sent – it's awesome! Thanks a lot. I wish you could've come to the party, but I know exams got in the way. That dictionary you gave me is just what I needed. I'm surprised you guessed that! I'll keep it with me forever. Your gift was the best among all. Talk to you soon.

Best wishes,

3. **Subject: Doing Well in Exams and Staying Fair**

Hi Riva,

Hope you're doing great. The upcoming SSC exams are important. I know you're smart and capable. Just study regularly, and don't even think about cheating or using unfair tricks in the exam hall. It's not worth it. Trust in yourself and your abilities. Keep working hard.

Take care,

4. **Subject: Staying Consistent with Studies**

Hey Riva,

I heard you're not studying regularly. That's not good. I'm worried about you. Hanging out with those not-so-good friends isn't the right way. We come from a tough financial background, and you're our hope for a better future. Please use your time wisely, focus on your studies, and be regular. I know you can do it.

Stay strong,

5. **Subject: Getting Ready for J.S.C. Exam**

Hi Dad,

Good news – I got a GPA of 5.00 in my half-yearly exams. I've finished revising English, Bengali, Math, and other subjects for the upcoming J.S.C. exam. Please keep me in your prayers. I'm aiming to make you proud.


6. **Subject: Join Us for a Fun Picnic!**

Hi Riva,

Guess what? We're planning a picnic on the 25th. We're going to Sonargoan, a cool historical place near Dhaka. Our gang, including Sara, Amy, Ebony, Mony, and others, will be there. It's going to be a blast. You should totally come and make it even better!

Catch you later,

7. **Subject: Join Us for My Sister's Wedding!**

Hi Riva,

Big news! My sister's wedding is coming up, and I'd love for you to be there. All our friends will be there too. Can you come a few days before the wedding? It'll be awesome to have you around.

Take care,

8. **Subject: Birthday Party Invite!**

Hey Riva,

My birthday's on December 29th, and there's a party happening. Everyone's coming, and I really want you there. My family's excited to meet you too. Your presence would make my day super special. Hope to see you!

Best wishes,

9. **Subject: How I Spent My Summer Break**

Hi Riva,

During my summer break, I stayed at our village home. Our village is pretty old-fashioned, and most people there don't know much about things like health, education, and farming. So, my friends and I decided to teach them about these things. We talked about good health, family planning, and how to farm better. It was really fulfilling.

Catch you later,

10. **Subject: Result Update**

Hi Dad,

Great news! I got all A+ in my annual exams. I'm the top student in my class. My teachers were really happy with me. Thanks for your support. I'll keep working hard.


11. **Subject: Summer Plans**

Hi Riva,

This summer, I've got a plan. I want to spend my time helping people in our village. Most folks there don't know much about health, education, and farming. So, I'm going to teach them about these things. I think it'll make a difference.

Take care,

12. **Subject: Learning English is Important**

Hi Riva,

English is pretty special. It's used all over the world, and it can open many doors for you. To get good jobs, read great books, or even travel, you need to know English. So, consider learning it. It's worth the effort!

Best wishes,

13. **Subject: Benefits of Reading Newspapers**

Hey Riva,

Guess what? Reading newspapers is really helpful. You get to learn about lots of stuff – science, education, sports, and more. It's not just about books. So, try reading newspapers regularly. You'll know so much more!

Catch you later,

14. **Subject: Congrats on Your Exam Success!**

Hi Riva,

I heard you did amazing in your S.S.C exams – GPA5, that's fantastic! Congratulations! Your success is something to be really proud of. Keep up the good work. You're going places!

Best wishes,

15. **Subject: Thanks for Your Hospitality**

Hi Riva,

I had an awesome time at your place. Your family is really nice and caring. Those days were unforgettable. Thanks for making me feel at home. I'm looking forward to our next meet-up.

Take care,

16. **Subject: Improving Your English Skills**

Hey Riva,

I got your email about wanting to get better at English. It's totally doable. Listen to English, read books, and watch English shows. Try speaking English more often. If you practice regularly, you'll see improvements.

Best wishes,

17. **Subject: The Dangers of Smoking**

Hey Riva,

I heard you started smoking – not a good idea! Smoking is really bad for your health. It can cause diseases like cancer and heart problems. It's like poisoning yourself. Quit smoking, it's better for you in the long run.

Take care,

18. **Subject: Talking About Food in Bangladesh**

Hi Riva,

I want to tell you about the food in Bangladesh. People here mostly eat rice, vegetables, and fish. Many people are farmers, so they grow their own food. It's not fancy, but it's good and healthy. Just thought you'd find that interesting.

Catch you later,

19. **Subject: School Sports Day**

Hey Riva,

I've been busy with our school's sports day. It was awesome! The event had races, jumping, and throwing competitions. I won three prizes! Our school looked amazing with all the decorations. The District Education officer and Deputy Commissioner were there. It was a day filled with fun and excitement.

Take care,

20. **Subject: Need Some Money**

Hi Dad,

I hope you're doing well. My exams are coming up, and I need some money. I want to buy books and a new shirt.

 Could you send me 2200 Tk? It would really help me out. Thanks a lot.


21. **Subject: My Dream Job**

Hi Riva,

I've got a big dream – I want to be a teacher. I hope to teach at my village school. I want to make a difference in the lives of those students. To achieve this, I'll study hard and get all the necessary degrees. Wish me luck!

Best wishes,

22. **Subject: My Favorite Hobby**

Hey Riva,

I love gardening! I have a garden where I grow flowers and veggies. It's so relaxing. Plus, I even sell some of the flowers. It's a cool way to spend my time. What hobbies do you have?

Catch you later,

23. **Subject: Witnessed an Accident**

Hey Riva,

I saw something really scary the other day. A truck hit a boy who was crossing the road. It was a terrible accident. I rushed to help, but it was too late. It was really sad and shocking.

Stay safe,

24. **Subject: Our School's Prize Day**

Hey Riva,

Our school had a prize-giving day, and it was awesome! The school was decorated beautifully. The chief guest gave out prizes to the winners. We had fun, and it was a memorable day.

Take care,

25. **Subject: Sad News – Condolences**

Hi Riva,

I heard about your mom's/dad's passing, and I'm really sorry. It's a tough time for you. I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Remember, you're not alone. We're here for you, and you can always talk to us. Stay strong.

With sympathy,

26. **Subject: Can I Borrow a Book?**

Hey Riva,

I hope you're good. I'm preparing for my exams, and I need a book – "A Practical English Grammar." Can I borrow it for a week? It would be a big help. Thanks in advance!

Best wishes,

27. **Subject: Come Over for Summer!**

Hi Riva,

Summer is here, and I've got a plan. I want you to visit my place. We'll have a great time together. It's a chance for us to catch up and have fun. Let me know if you can make it!

Take care,

28. **Subject: Settling In and Trying New Food**

Hi Riva,

I heard you're having some trouble adjusting to a new place and the food there. Don't worry, it's normal. Give it some time, and you'll get used to it. Try talking to people and making new friends. And about the food, just give it a shot – you might end up liking it!

Best wishes,
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