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Moral Story: Where there is a will, there is a way

A long time ago, there was a crow. He felt really thirsty. He flew around looking everywhere for water. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find even a tiny bit of water. Finally, after some time, he landed in a garden. He became happy because he saw a jug of water there. But when he went closer, he saw that the water inside the jug was very low. His beak couldn't reach the water. At first, he felt sad about this. But he didn't give up. He started thinking about how he could quench his thirst.

After thinking for a while, he came up with a plan. He noticed a pile of small rocks nearby. He flew to the pile, picked up the rocks, and dropped them one by one into the jug. As he dropped more rocks, the water level started to rise slowly. He kept on dropping rocks until the water level was high enough for him to drink from the jug. Once he had enough to drink, he felt satisfied and flew away. This story teaches us a few important lessons:

1. When you really want to do something, you can find a way to do it.
2. If you don't put in effort, you won't get good results.
3. When you really need something, you can come up with creative solutions.
4. People who try their best get help and support from others, including from higher powers.

So, remember: where there's a strong desire, there's a path to success. If you work hard, you'll achieve good things. When you're in need, your creativity can help you find solutions. And those who put in effort are often given a helping hand, both from people and maybe even from something greater.
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