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Recently you have read an interesting Novel. Now write a dialogue between you and your friend Tania

Me: Hello Tania, how are you?
Tania: I'm fine, and you?
Me: I'm doing well too. Tania, guess what? I recently read a really interesting novel, and I enjoyed it a lot.
Tania: Oh, really? What's the name of the novel, and who wrote it?
Me: It's called "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.
Tania: What's the novel about?
Me: It's about children's freedom. The book suggests that if children have too much freedom, they might commit crimes.
Tania: Seriously? That's intriguing. So the book highlights that children are not immune to evil, and excess freedom could lead them to commit offenses like killing or kidnapping?
Me: Exactly, that's the essence of the book.
Tania: I'd love to read it. Can I borrow your copy for a few days?
Me: Of course! You can have it tomorrow.
Tania: Thanks a lot.
Me: You're welcome. No problem at all.
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