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Write a Dialogue between father and the son on choice of a career.

Today, I want to talk about a conversation called "Choosing a Career."

Father: Great job, my son. I'm really happy that you did well. But now comes a time when we have to make different choices. You have to decide which path you want to take.

Son: Yes, I will follow your advice.

Father: Before anything else, I'd like to know what you're thinking.

Son: I want to become a Doctor, if you're okay with that.

Father: Sure, being a Doctor is a very honorable job. But have you thought about the hard work it will involve?

Son: Yes, Dad. I'm ready to work hard because being a Doctor lets me help many people.

Father: That's wonderful. I completely agree. But I suggest that you carefully study the path you'll be taking.

Son: Definitely, Dad. I'll study science in college and then try my best to get into a medical college.

Father: Go ahead, my son! May God be with you.

Son: Thank you, Dad.
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