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Write a dialogue between two friends on frequent cyclones in our country

Babul: Hey! How are you?
Kamal: I'm okay, but I'm worried about the many cyclones happening in our country.
Babul: You're so right. It's a big issue. The frequent cyclones are a serious problem, especially for the people living by the sea.
Kamal: Cyclones mess up nature and cause big disasters. People suffer a lot. I think plants and animals might even disappear because of big waves near the coast.
Babul: Yeah, that's true. We're really affected. What can we do now?
Kamal: The government should make safe places for people when cyclones come. And the weather people should tell us early and well, so the right groups can help the people in need.
Babul: You're absolutely right. Thanks, bye for now.
Kamal: Goodbye, see you later.
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