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Describing the Graph of Literacy Rate of Bangladesh


Describing the Graph of Literacy Rate of Bangladesh

Literacy Rate of Bangladesh

The chart displays how many people in Bangladesh could read and write between 1972 and 2012. When you first look at it, you can see that literacy improved a lot during this time. In 1972, only half of the people could read and write (that's 50%). But by 2012, 80% of them could.

But if you look closely at the graph, you'll notice that literacy didn't go up steadily every year. Sometimes it went down, even after a decade. For example, in 1982, it went up a bit to 55%. Then, in 1992, it was 70%. But for the next ten years, it stayed the same. After 2002, it started going down until 2007 when it dropped to 62%. But then, it shot up again, and by 2012, it was 80%.

So, even though there was a dip between 2002 and 2007, overall, literacy in Bangladesh improved a lot from 50% in 1972 to 80% in 2012. That's a big deal! This graph tells us how literacy changed in Bangladesh from 1972 to 2012.

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