Paragraph | Discipline
Discipline means obeying certain rules and principles in any event or phase of lie. It is the most important condition of success in life. M...
Discipline means obeying certain rules and principles in any event or phase of lie. It is the most important condition of success in life. M...
Newspaper is one of the modern science which carries news and views of home and aboard to us. China is the first country to publish newspape...
Facebook is a very popular social networking site which has both advantages and disadvantages. It is a great way to keep in touch with your ...
though child labour is severely prohibited by low. It is still prevalent in the third world countries like Bangladesh. Child labour refers t...
Grameen Bank is a specialized bank which provides loan to the poor and the down trodden to eradicate poverty. Dr Mohammad Yunus is the man w...
Micro credit is a finance system for the massive poverty stricken people to eradicate poverty through developing skills and raising consciou...
Ecology depends on the relationship among the elements of our environment. Human beings, animals, plants, air, water and soil make up the en...
Female education is very essential for the overall development of a nation. About fifty percent of the total population of our country are f...
English is the most influential language of the present world. English is the language of the people of England as well as the people of Ame...
My childhood memories are eventful and interesting. I was born in a small village named Hularhat on the bank of the river Kajolia. It was a ...
to keep in good health one has to follow certain rules and discipline. Firstly, early rising is essential for keeping a sound health. The gr...
Good health is a prerequisite to lead a better and healthier life. People with good health enjoy the soundness of both mental with and physi...