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Paragraph | Alfred Nobel

Alfred Noble (1833-96) was a Swedish chemist, engineer and an industrialist. He invented dynamite. His invention of dynamite was a matter of...

Paragraph | Illiteracy

Illiteracy means the inability to read and write. An illiterate person does not know how to read and write. It is compared to darkness. It i...

Paragraph | The Person I Like Most/ My Favorite Person

The Person I Like Most/ My Favorite Person We meet many people in our lives, but there are some people who have a great impact on our lives....

Paragraph | Co-Curricular Activities/ Extra-Curricular Activities In School

Co-curricular activities are performed by students but these activities are not part of real education of an institution. These are helpful ...

Paragraph | A Children Park

A children park is a place where the children get an opportunity to enjoy themselves freely. It is a very essential and important place for ...

Paragraph | A Fish Market

Every market is sure to have a fish market. This is a place where fishes are sold. It is an important part of the market. The people of Bang...

Paragraph | A Tube Well

A tube well is a water well consisting of a long tube bored into the ground and sunk to the depth of the water table. Tube wells are fast a...

Paragraph | A Mango Tree

A Mango Tree The mango tree is a common tree which bears mangoes in a particular season in Bangladesh. It is found in almost every home. A m...

Paragraph | Mango/ A Summer Fruit/ A Popular Fruit

The mango is a sweet fruit. It grows everywhere in Bangladesh.The mango is a common fruit of our country.  It is a seasonal fruit, too. It ...

Paragraph | A Bi-Cycle/ A Bike

A bicycle is a two wheeled light vehicle is one of the most common as well as important vehicles in our country. It is made with a triangula...

Paragraph | Our English Teacher

A teacher is an asset to a country. I have come across many teachers in my student life. Of them all, Mr Alam is my favourite teacher. He is...

Paragraph | The Spring/ The Season I Like Most/ The Last Season Of Bangladesh

I like spring season most. During this season it is neither too cold nor too hot. In spring season, the nights are cold but the days are sun...