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Composition | A Birthday Party I Celebrated

Having a birthday party is really exciting and fun. We celebrate our birthday to make our life more colorful, dreamy, and memorable. It reminds us of where we come from and our past experiences.

I had a really amazing birthday party last time. It happened on January 31, 2011, when I turned 15 years old. I was busy the whole day. I cleaned our house thoroughly and decorated it in a very attractive way. The entire house had a festive look, and every room was neat and tidy.

I invited my closest friends, relatives, and some neighbors. We ordered a well-designed birthday cake and some beautiful candles. The guests started to arrive around 5:30 pm, in groups of two or three. The cake arrived on time, and by 6 pm, almost all the guests were in our house. Almost everyone brought me gifts, which I received with gratitude. My father bought me a nice new shirt, and my mother surprised me with something special.

Then, the most thrilling moment came at 6:30 pm. I, along with my friends and cousins, gathered around the table and joyfully cut the cake, blowing out the candles. My friends sang "Happy Birthday to you" in a chorus, and everyone clapped and cheered. Plates full of delicious biryani were passed around, and we enjoyed eating while chatting and laughing. My brother had his camera with him and took pictures of some precious moments. After we finished eating, we continued to have a great time, laughing and having fun. The party ended around 9:30 pm, and the guests said their goodbyes one by one. The memories of this celebration will stay with me for my entire life.

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