Composition | A Gentleman
We often say someone is a gentleman or not based on whether they please us or not. If someone pleases us, we call them a gentleman, and if they don't, we don't. But is this really the right way to judge someone as gentle or not? Can someone not be a gentleman just because they don't please us? For example, if we ask someone for donations for a picnic and they refuse, does that mean they're not a gentleman? Definitely not. So who is a gentleman then?
The word "gentle" originally meant noble or well-bred. So initially, a gentleman was someone from the upper class by birth and upbringing. The upper class had refined social manners compared to the lower class, so anyone with refined taste and manners was eventually considered a gentleman. This definition of a gentleman still exists today, whether someone comes from a noble family or not. Now, being a gentleman means having refined outward behavior.
But what are the signs of refinement that distinguish a gentleman from someone who is not? Here are the special characteristics of a gentleman:
1. A gentleman should have a good character, which means being polite and courteous in behavior. But this should come from the goodness of their heart, not just for gaining respect and admiration. They are naturally kind-hearted and think about the feelings, comfort, and happiness of others before their own.
2. Humility is another characteristic of a gentleman. They are never proud of their birth, education, position, or wealth. In other words, they are completely free from any sense of vanity.
3. A gentleman strongly dislikes and avoids showing off any of their abilities. While doing favors for others, they don't make a big deal out of it.
4. Pleasantness in manners and interactions is another characteristic of a gentleman. They always behave pleasantly when dealing with others. Normally, they don't use harsh words towards anyone. But if they must use such words, they don't make them harsher or more severe than necessary.
5. A true gentleman has a cheerful nature and approaches others with a smile on their face.