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Story | A Hare And A Tortoise

Once upon a time, there was a rabbit and a turtle who lived in the same jungle, close to each other. Every morning, they both took a walk on the same path. The rabbit would always make fun of the turtle for being slow, and this made the turtle tired of being insulted all the time.

One day, the turtle had had enough and decided to challenge the rabbit to a race. When the turtle proposed the idea, the rabbit laughed because he was certain he would win. He thought the turtle had lost his mind, but he still accepted the challenge without hesitation. They agreed on a starting point and an endpoint for the race. Everything was set.

The next day, the race began as planned. The rabbit sprinted ahead, leaving the turtle far behind. He looked back but couldn't see the turtle anywhere. He believed that the turtle was so far behind that he wouldn't catch up soon. So, the rabbit decided to rest under a shady tree for a short while, but he ended up falling asleep.

Meanwhile, the turtle continued to walk slowly but steadily. Eventually, he passed the sleeping rabbit without the rabbit even noticing. When the rabbit woke up, it was already too late. He ran as fast as he could, but he couldn't catch up to the turtle, who had already crossed the finish line. The rabbit had lost the race. He felt very embarrassed and promised himself to never make fun of the turtle again.

The moral of the story is that being slow and steady can lead to victory in the end.

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