Composition | Adult Education
Adult education is when grown-up people in a country learn new things in different ways. It usually means teaching adults who can't read and write how to do it. But it also means teaching them how to work well in their jobs or places where they work. It can also mean teaching them how to live better, enjoy life, or make good use of their time.
In our country, adult education is important because about seventy-five percent of adults are not educated and can't read or write. They can't easily learn new ways to do their jobs. As a result, they can't progress or earn much money easily. With proper adult education, our working people can become more useful to society and the country. They can serve their nation well by learning better ways to work in their jobs. Educated workers can easily learn how to use new machines and read books about different ways to produce things. This way, they can become skilled industrial workers and increase the production in our country. When they work well, they can earn higher wages. Educated farmers can easily learn new and better ways to grow crops and take care of their land and farming machines.
Educated adults know their rights, duties, and the laws of the country better than uneducated people. They can read newspapers and magazines and learn about social and natural problems. They can discuss the goals of the government and political parties related to politics, society, and the economy. Then they can choose the most suitable candidates for positions of power. Ministers, members of Parliament, Provincial Assemblies, educators, social workers, and economic experts should talk about educating the common people through mass media. Then they should create a national plan for adult education. The central and provincial governments can work together and use their resources to make it successful.
Under the national education plan, centers for teaching adults how to read and write can be set up all over the country. Different kinds of buildings like schools, factories, city government halls, hotels, restaurants, and government offices can be used for this purpose. Temporary structures can also be built, especially in villages, to teach people. Education can be more effective through television and radio programs, films, discussions, and demonstrations using teaching materials. Education can be divided into different categories like basic reading and writing, religious education, professional education to improve work skills, social education to become better citizens, and more. Women can also receive special education in other areas like sewing, cooking, and taking care of their children.