Composition | Advertisement
In a society where competition is strong and we live in a country that follows capitalism, advertisements are important. Factories make things, and shops and businesses sell them. The purpose of advertising these things is to attract a wide range of customers and get them to buy them.
The government advertises its plans and policies to inform the public and get them involved. They have advertised in the past about new housing plans, savings schemes, education policies, and issuing identity cards, among other things, from time to time.
Advertisements in newspapers for jobs in government departments and private organizations are very helpful. They help these offices and organizations find trained people from the public easily. They also help educated people find jobs. The labor force finds work in government offices, markets, and production centers through newspaper ads.
Private schools and colleges heavily rely on advertising and promotion to attract students. Big posters, billboards, and newspaper ads provide information about courses and studies in different schools and colleges. This helps spread education and promote culture.
Advertisements for cigarettes, bad clothing, expensive food, harmful soft drinks, and time-wasting games should be discouraged. Cosmetics and makeup items that waste money and have negative effects on health should not be displayed in public places. Any advertisement that negatively affects health and character, and encourages bad habits, should be immediately disallowed by the government.
Advertisers who deceive the public about their products and services, as well as their competitors' products, should be taken to court and punished. There should be strict laws for this, and they should be implemented carefully and strongly.
The excessive pictures, signs, slogans, and writings on billboards cause visual pollution and need to be controlled. In big cities, the main roads and public parks are crowded with these things, most of which are bothersome. They disrupt traffic flow and leave negative impressions on young minds. Even newspapers and magazines contribute to this pollution when they excessively display pictures of film actors and models with colorful slogans. It's about time the government and public organizations put a stop to the continuation and increase of visual pollution.
Advertising should be developed as an art that both pleases and informs people about the best products and services. It should not be misused to promote faulty or expensive industrial goods, expensive luxuries, foreign products, or even publications that could harm people in any way.