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Composition | Football

In our country, we have many different kinds of games. Among all the games, my favorite is football. Football was originally played in England, but now it is played in every country around the world. I love football because it has several advantages. Compared to cricket, it is not expensive to play, and it brings us a lot of joy. It is an exciting game that thrills both the players and the spectators.

Football is an outdoor game that requires a large field. The field is 120 yards long and 80 yards wide, with two goal posts at each end. The game is played between two teams, and each team has eleven players. The players are divided into positions: one goalkeeper, two fullbacks, three halfbacks, and five forwards. A referee is there to oversee the game.

To start the game, the ball is placed at the center of the field. When the referee blows the whistle, the game begins. Each team tries to pass the ball through the opponent's goal post, but they are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands. Only the goalkeeper can touch and catch the ball. There is a 10-minute break in the middle of the game, and the teams switch sides. The team that scores more goals wins the game.

Football has many merits and benefits. It teaches us to follow rules, and it instills discipline, cooperation, and leadership skills. It also improves the player's health and makes them agile, cautious, strong, and resilient.

Although there is a risk of injuries in football, it is a game that is enjoyed by everyone.

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