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Composition | Globalization

Globalization is a fancy word used nowadays to describe how countries all over the world are trading and doing business with each other without any borders. This has had a big impact on many parts of life. Because of things like fancy technology, fast progress in inventions, and quick transportation, the world has become smaller. We can find out instantly what's happening in faraway places and go to any country really fast. It's like the countries of the world are like families in a small village. They can even share their happiness and sadness like neighbors. If one country is in trouble, other countries can help right away. If we can create an atmosphere of understanding and working together through this globalization thing, it will be good. But there are also bad things about it. The gap between rich and poor keeps getting bigger. Globalization is like putting all the people in the world on the same boat, but they're in different parts of the boat. Only a small group of people get to be in fancy rooms with all the nice things. They have good food, clean water, good medical care, and live in luxury. But most people are in the lower parts of the boat, and they suffer from hunger and sickness. Globalization can make everyone happy, but only if all the people on the boat are treated equally and have fairness and justice.

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