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Story | Nobody Believes A Liar

There was once a boy who took care of sheep in a village near a hill. Every day, he would take the sheep to the hillside for them to eat grass. However, the boy found this task boring. One day, he got an idea to play a trick on the people in his village. He climbed up a tall rock and shouted as loud as he could, "Wolf! Wolf! Please come and save me and my sheep!" The villagers heard his cries and rushed to help him, but when they arrived, the boy laughed and told them that there was no wolf. He had done it just for fun. The villagers felt annoyed and returned to the village, angry at the boy for tricking them.

After some time, when the shepherd boy was looking after his sheep, a real wolf appeared. The boy shouted, "Wolf! Wolf!" as loud as he could, hoping the villagers would come to his aid. However, this time, no one believed him or came to help. The wolf attacked and killed many sheep. When the boy tried to fight back with his stick, the wolf also killed him.

Another story is about a cricket who was feeling hungry on a sunny winter day. He hadn't eaten anything since the previous night. The cricket saw a group of ants carrying grains into their hole. He approached them and asked politely, "Could you please spare a few grains for me? I haven't eaten anything since yesterday, and I'm almost starving."

The ants paused for a moment, which was unusual for them, and one of them replied, "What were you doing during the summer? Why didn't you gather and store food for the cold winter season?"

To this, the cricket honestly replied, "To be truthful, I spent the entire summer singing songs. So, I didn't gather any food."

The ant chuckled and advised, "Then dance away the winter," implying that the cricket would have to face the consequences of not preparing for the winter. The cricket felt disappointed and left.

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