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Paragraph | Duty To Parents/ Obedience To Parents

Obedience to parents is a great virtue. It is a devine and religious duty and never should be neglected it. Islam says that heaven lies at t...

Paragraph | Self-help/ Self-relience

Self-help/self-relience means doing any work without the help of others. Self-help/self-relience is a great virtue. A self-relient man can p...

Paragraph | Perseverance

Perseverance is a great virtue. Perseverance means trying a thing again and again with a great patience. No great work can be done without p...

Paragraph | Punctuality

Punctuality is a necessary habit in all public affairs. Nothing can be brought to a conclusion without punctuality. Time is the most valuabl...

Paragraph | A Sun Set Scene

A sun set scene is a delightful scene. The mellow sun going down over the western horizon looks like a golden disc. Trees and plants, crops ...

Paragraph | A Table

A table is a kind of furniture. Generally it is made of plastic, wood, Steel, bamboo or cane. A table has four legs and a surface. The surfa...

Paragraph | Egg-plant/ Brinjal Plant

Egg-Plant means a brinjal plant. It is very little and bushy. It is not thorny. Generally it is 3-7 feet high. It bears brinjals in season. ...

Paragraph | A Chair

A chair is a kind of  furniture . Very often we sit on it and take a rest. Generally it is made of plastic, wood, Steel, bamboo or cane. A. ...

Paragraph | Coaching Center

Coaching center is very well-known to the students. In the coaching centre students are given teaches in a special way.They also create many...

Paragraph | Pohela Baishakh/ The Firstday Of Bangla New Year

The first day of Bangla year is called Pahela Baishakh. We celebrate this day to mark the beginning of the 1st day of Bangla New Year. The d...

Paragraph | A Traffic Police

A traffic police is a person who controls and regulates the regular movements of the vehicles. He performs his duty standing on a traffic is...

Paragraph | Co-operative Shop In Our School

I am a student of class vii of Hati-Kumra Z.N.S High School. We have a co-operative shop in our school. We sell the necessary articles among...